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The Past Two Years, I've Missed You

  Um... hey.  It's been awhile. How are you? You look a little different and the world feels a whole different, huh? It's weird writing again, when I stopped blogging, I also stopped writing all together. I've missed it. It's crazy when I first started this blog I was so excited for the unknown, the new chapter was blank and I thought I had all the words to fill it in.  When in reality I knew nothing. So let me fill you in on that once blank chapter.  I disappeared. I disappeared from friends, family, and tried to tightly package anything that I could almost two years ago away. Pretend like I never started this blog and that I was walking away from the thing I had been planning for most of my life. I struggled and I shared how much I was struggling there for a moment with whoever would listen. I cried daily and felt like a fraud.  Finally all of that pain, heartache, and shame caused me to recoil. I was disgusted and embarrassed of the version of myself I had be...

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