Summer Time Realization

Friday night I got to have and experience one of the best nights. 

For a graduation present our friends Tiff and Tay bought Annie and I concert tickets to Thomas Rhett. 
We had been counting down the days since before graduation, and then last night it was finally here.
We all piled into Annie's chevy cruise and made the two hour drive to the concert. 
We spent the night dancing, singing, and laughing until our stomachs hurt. 
Before the sun went down it was blisteringly hot, which was fitting for the name of the tour: Very Hot Summer. 
We were out on the lawn and with the sunset behind us and the ferris wheel glowing from the sun it seemed almost to be the perfect night. It was of those nights that will always stay frozen in a perfect moment. 
During the show Thomas Rhett played Life Changes and one of the lines is "you make your plans, then you hear God laugh."
I was hit with this realization dancing under the stars screaming/singing at the top of my lungs that this was where I was meant to be. I remember a time where I had no clue if I'd have a real friend, if I would feel like I belonged somewhere. I thought about how God knows exactly what he's doing. There are so many times in life where we question the path we're on, we question what the point is. I've been in moments like that, but then you have times where you are the most you and you are just enjoying life to the fullest. 
That line is so true, we busy ourselves so much at times planning and working out contingency plans when we don't like where we are, but God already has your plan mapped out. 
This season of life is so fleeting so soak up what you can now. 
After that amazing night we made it home around 1:30 and I finished packing for my trip today at about 2:30 this morning. 
I woke up at 7, exhausted but full of gratitude, got ready and now am sitting in the airport writing. I didn't even know this trip I am about to take was going to happen a week ago and yet here I am.
We make so many plans and we think we can control how the coin will land but we can't. 
I think for the first time I might actually be coming to accept that fact.
So if this is your low season right now and you feel like you're stuck, hang in there. I've felt the same way and I will be there again. I know that no moment will last forever no matter how badly we may wish it would.
I didn't think I'd ever find my best friend let alone three. I never thought that I'd have friends that I could go to no matter what. In the last four, almost five years I have met so many amazing people that I get the ability to call my friends. That fact alone reminds me that even the bad days aren't that bad. 
This will pass and you will be okay, if you need to hear this trust me it's true.
Take the cards you've been handed and run with them, God will help lead you. 


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