To the Person who Thinks this is Stupid

I've never been the type to call attention to myself, I've always been content with being the quiet girl. Unless we are close and you know that I never really shut up.
That being said, I understand why no one saw this version of me coming. The girl blogging and sharing way more than she ever did.
I love to write and I love fashion, but never have I been one to share about it fully.
When I started my Instagram page with this blog, I wasn't expecting much from it. I assumed maybe a few of my friends would follow and that would be it.
However, I found that others were following and it was another place to share my voice and I loved it.
I know people are talking about it and have made fun of me for it, but I'm finally in a place where what people think no longer matters.
I don't care because I've found that I have every right to remove people from my life. If I want to write a blog, I will. If you think it's dumb- unfollow me. I don't have time for the people, I thought I could call friends, talking behind my back.
I think it's a cool thing to be able to share about my life with others. I'm flawed and have no real idea what I'm doing in this life just yet. Having the ability to connect with others about big life changes and realizing you're not the only one feeling a certain way is an amazing thing.
We are all on our own journeys so why tear another person down?
If you've laughed at me or talked behind my back that only makes you less of a person and it won't stop me from doing what I am loving to do.
If you're someone who has ever been made to feel like you are less of a person because you were doing something you loved, please ignore them.
It's not easy sharing part of your life with anyone, sometimes not even with the people closest to you. Doing anything that goes against the norm is scary and people can talk (and they will) but their opinion doesn't matter.
I am lucky enough to have the friends that do support me and love me for me.
If you want to try something new go for it. We have the same amount of time as everyone else, so why not use it doing something we love.
At some point in all our lives we have all been unfairly judged, we've even judged others.
No one is perfect but try and make a point to see a whole person not just the part you don't understand.
And to those of you who have been so supportive and have had such kind words to say I appreciate you. I don't say that lightly either, it's you guys that make this so much fun. So again thank you and keep being you, because you're all pretty great.
So if you take anything away it would be this: if you want to start a blog, sell a product, or anything else that someone will look at you funny for- go for it. Also, remember to be kind because that is so important.
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