Top 10 Ways to Get Motivated
I struggle with motivation. There will be times where I have a burst of energy and I feel ready to take on the world, but on the flip side of that, there are days that are really hard for me to get out of bed.
Here lately I've felt super motivated and I want to share with y'all what has been working for me. So here are my top 10 ways to stay motivated.

1. Work Out.
I am wrapping up my third week of working out constantly and so far it has impacted many avenues of my life. When I workout in the morning I am so pumped and ready to start my day. If I workout in the evenings I will work hard to finish my to-do list during the day, so I can come home after my workout, eat dinner, and then shower before heading off to bed. Working out gets you moving and out of your head, if you're a chronic over-thinker, I totally understand, and this has helped me out a lot.2. Surround yourself with people who encourage you.
If there is one thing I know to be true, it's that who we surround ourselves with impact how we act. If we are around people who never want to leave their house, or who make choices that aren't good for us then we will follow them down a habit hole, believe me, I've been there. However, surrounding yourself with people who take every day and use it to its fullest and push you to be a better version of yourself then you will grow exponentially.3. Social Media doesn't have to bring you down.
Most people know the feeling of scrolling on their feeds and seeing everyone posting their highlight reels. If there is a page or person you know leaves you feeling envious then unfollow them. Go and find pages and people who want to lift you up and encourage you in your day-to-day life. There is one page I love seeing, it's a bit of sunshine every day. I am a bit biased because one of my good friends, Anna helps run it, but they have this page called @daily_inspo_page and you should check it out, let them know you dropped by. They post motivational sayings, cute wallpapers, current thoughts they have, and so much more. I promise you won't regret giving them a follow. Our phones are attached to our hands 9-out-of-10 times. You should be seeing and filling your mind with things that will get you motivated and remind you how special you are not things that leave you feeling alone and weak. So have a little summer cleaning party to clean up your social media feed.4. Set goals for yourself.
I worked with an amazing girl on my high school newspaper as her co-editor, and she was always having us create goals. She is a firm believer that if you set goals for a week, then you create not only a better product but a better self. If you give yourself small goals to achieve and build the mindset that you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to, the results will be astonishing.5. Clean up your environment.
I am the type of person that if my room is a mess, then I can't really function. If your space is clean and fresh then it may inspire you, to want to get up and be more productive. At least just make your bed every morning, trust me. Clean your closet out, look and see if there is anything you don't absolutely want to keep, donate it, try and sell it on Poshmark (I am a huge fan of Poshmark, as both a seller and buyer) or give it to a friend.
I love quotes and I think it is so powerful when someone else can capture how you're feeling through their own words. I challenge you to go and find a quote or phrase and put it on your wall or mirror, something that has to do with you and the season you're in. If you've been reading my blog you might notice I love the word season. This is because my Dad has taught me that no matter if you're in a great moment or a terrible one, it is only a season so enjoy it or learn from it, because it will pass.
7. Be grateful
My senior year English teacher taught me this. Being grateful is not only good for you, but it also ripples into everyone else's life around you. We often under-appreciate the people we have in our lives. It's a bitter reality, but a reality nonetheless. I encourage you to pursue a life of gratefulness. It will encourage you to be a better person and help motivate you.
8. Find a passion.
If there is something that you love to do, then that love will get you out of bed on the hard days. Find something that makes you want to work hard whether that is a sport, reading, or creating a product simply do it. Inspiration won't always just fall at your feet at times you will have to work for it.
9. Don't put too much pressure on yourself.
I think in our world today it is so easy to allow everyone else's journey as a "where we should be" inner-attack. We will judge ourselves for not having one area of our life together as another person does. But, does that person really have it all together? We all know that you can't reach perfection, no one can. So if you want something get up and work hard for it, stop wishing for their highlights, because with those highlights also comes the lowlights that you don't see.
10. You get what you receive.
What you put out into the universe is most likely what you will get back. If you start a day off in a terrible mood, chances are your day will be terrible. However, if you choose to be happy (even if you did drop a full gallon tea pitcher all over the kitchen floor at 6 am, yeah that did happen) you can turn the day around. You have the power to decide if you will be happy. One statement that is always going through my mind is this: you have the same exact 24 hours as everyone else, you decide how to use them. Use each hour to be the happiest you can be.
Thanks for reading and please do go check out the @daily_inspo_page on Instagram to get inspired. I also know they have a lot of fun giveaways going!
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