Healthy Habits Before College

On a run the other day Sarah (my awesome Stepmom) and I were discussing how we prefer to be motivated. She's more of the get aggressive, Just Do It kind of person. Not me! If you get in my face I warn you it'll end in tears, not calories shed. However, I would much rather have inspirational quotes hurtled at me, yeah I'm that person.
Ironically enough I recently made a promise to myself to get into shape and inspiration fell at my feet today, but we will get to that in a bit.
Back to that whole 'making myself a promise' thing, I recently heard an excerpt of Rachel Hollis book Girl, Wash Your Face, in it she talked about how we so often break promises to ourselves. We say 'I'm going to get some exercise in today' or 'I'm going to take some time for myself today' then we break that promise like it's nothing. This struck a cord in me; I break promises to myself all of the time. I treat my body like it's nothing, I at times say and think the worst of it. Which isn't fair considering I'm not treating it kindly or pushing it to achieve goals I want.  
Want some more inspirational quotes? No? well too bad, here you go...
"If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is not a test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run." -John Bingham
I love this quote because right now, I can't run for that long without having to slow to a walk. Then express how I kind of think I'm dying and may or may not puke, just being honest. I'll say I went for a run today but then quickly backtrack. I'll explain how well I ran some then walked, I lessen the work I put in. Who cares the walk to run ration, I got up and I did what on some days I didn't think I could.
So if you want to start today then start. All you have to do is that: start, it really is that easy.
I have decided that over this summer I am creating a habit and that habit happens to be working out. Wether that is the gym or the track, at least five days of the week I will go in pursuit of the lifestyle I want.
I'm starting now because why not and I hear 'Freshman 15' is no joke. I know I am capable so I'm going to prove it, I can do this.
Sorry got off on a bit of a tangent there. Alright, so that whole inspiration falling at my feet. One of my favorite channels to watch on YouTube is Yes Theory. Their whole motto is "Seeking Discomfort" if you haven't heard of them you should go check them out! Anyway, they set up this challenge: 100 Days of Sweat. For 100 day you sweat, make that promise to yourself and don't break it. I will link the video down below for you to watch.
I watched this while snuggled in my bed comfy and thinking "I'll make today a rest day." It's so easy to pick the choice that doesn't involve removing yourself from your bed but often times those are the choices your body needs you to make.
After that video, I got up. I put some workout clothes and my tennis shoes on. Then I ran longer and farther than I had the last two weeks. I felt amazing!
I quite frankly loath working out or at least I thought I did. I had created such a mentally about it that it was almost a part of me, It wasn't until I started that I realized it can be therapeutic. It can redirect what you're holding on to or it can just make you feel productive.
If you've been thinking about it, then go for it. Habits are hard to form but not impossible.
Link to Video: Thing are about to change


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