Acne Sucks: Epiduo One Year Later
Let's be real for a moment: I don't want to write this. I've got a ton of things I want to write about but this is not one of them. But, this is something a ton of us have/do deal with, so let's talk about it.

I was talking with someone recently and they suggested this topic and I don't think the words "no" had ever left my mouth so fast.
There is such a stigma around acne and why?
Everyone has had at least a zit before.
So what's the big fuss?
At times when my skin was the absolute worse I actually had people ask if I had tried washing my face. The most ironic thing about this question is the people who have bad acne are the ones with the most intense skin care routines usually. I've know a few people who have had amazing skin and wash their face with water. WATER. Seriously?
I love my skin care, however my skin doesn't really love me. I wanted to share (using that term loosely) my journey that I'm on, yes still on, with acne.
If you have acne, it sucks I know believe me. I started getting acne pretty early, of course before most of my peers - lucky me. My Mom's Mac Studio Finish Concealer became my, too dark, weapon of choice. It wasn't a cute look. That was when confidence took a back seat, how were you suppose to feel good about yourself when people pointed out your flaws? Like, do you really think I don't see the crater chilling on my cheek- shut up!
I'm embarrassed to show these pictures of when I first started trying to get a grip on my acne, but I will. So let's begin: I am a big baby when it comes to anyone waving a medical degree, I know most people outgrow that - I never did.
The beginning of my junior year of high school was rough and life seemed to be throwing every curve ball possible. I was stressed to the max not sleeping right, I had fractured my lower back so I wasn't exercising and my skin was showing all these things.
I finally decided enough was enough: Dermatologist here I come.
My Skin in May of 2018
I felt horrible about myself and I refused to go anywhere without makeup. It was even more frustrating when not even makeup could hide all of the acne and odd texture on my skin.
The dermatologist put me on an antibiotic and Epiduo. I am the world's worst when it comes to taking medicine, but let me tell you, I never missed a day of that antibiotic. It's amazing the amount of motivation the words "clear skin" can be.
My Skin in June of 2018
This was THE WORST month of my skin journey. I had never been the person to have sensitive skin, but boy did Epiduo change that... My faces going through the purging stage, which basically means you think your skin was at it's worse but it decides to say bet and it's on. My face was so dry and cracking, the peeling was horrible. Washing my face and applying the medicine was so painful. It was honestly defeating. In all fairness I had been warned, but I was more focused on the end result than the in-between.

My Skin in July of 2018
The side effects of Epiduo were finally starting to lessen, and I was actually starting to see some change occur in my skin and my confidence was slowly rebuilding as well. This was the last month of being on my antibiotic as well.
My Skin in August of 2018
This was the first month I had stopped feeling the need to have makeup on my face. My skin was doing really well. I was now only washing my face with CeraVe Gentle Face Wash, best face wash ever, and Epiduo. I was still suffering with breakouts but on a smaller scale.
My Skin in December of 2018
Looking back it felt like it took forever to get my skin to this place. Finally I was waking up and having GREAT skin days. It's amazing how much acne can affect your mood. This is probably the best my skin has ever looked.
My Skin One Year Later
It has officially been one year later and I'm surprised myself to say I never missed one day of Epiduo, actually I am still on the gel medicine. I still do get breakouts and have days where my skin isn't too pretty. I've learned a lot though about my skin through this year long journey. Stress is a huge trigger for my acne, my poor cheeks and chin takes the brunt of it. I am pleased with how far my skin has come and I know now that anything you really want will take time and be a process. If you would like to know my current skin care routine and favorites let me know in a comment down below.
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