High School: An End of an Era
Audio Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5pDMyfpk68&t=43s
I thought a lot about how I wanted to start this blog, I finally decided to start it by closing the last chapter of my life and opening a new one. I hope you enjoy what I've learned these last four years.
I thought a lot about how I wanted to start this blog, I finally decided to start it by closing the last chapter of my life and opening a new one. I hope you enjoy what I've learned these last four years.
It never felt like I'd make it to this point. As I write this, my cap and gown hangs on my wall. The impending goodbyes near and the emotions are high.
I think back to the girl I was freshmen year, in some ways she's like me and in others she's completely different. I hope though that she is proud, proud of who we became. It wasn't always pretty.
The senior class, my class, has been through a lot together. We've celebrated victories together and we've mourned loses together.
We made strides and changed the status quo, we took the cards we were given and ran with them. I hope that those graduating this year always hold that with them, the fact that they can do anything.
Goodbyes are sad, some will be temporary and others will be permeant. As my time at my school comes to an end I can't help reminiscing. I think of all the inside jokes our class has, the adventures we took, I try to be grateful for the fact that I can drive only five minutes to my best friends house. After summer that won't be the case and that's a heartbreaking reality.
I've never really felt such a mixture of sadness and excitement. I wish that I wouldn't have wished the time away so much, because as cliche as it is: time really does fly.
If there is any advice I can give to high schoolers: freshmen, sophomore, juniors, soon-to-be seniors it would be...
- Love: Take the time to realize who you have by your side. Love them wildly, let them know how grateful you are for them, you won't regret it.
- Crying is okay: I have learned that after a crummy day a good cry sometimes is just what you need. Don't feel like a failure, everyone needs a moment from time-to-time.
- Spend time with your siblings: No matter your age gaps make sure to always make time for them. Your world isn't the only one that will be changing. You will regret the times you passed up on.
- Give your parents an extra hug: If there is something that I already know will be hard when I leave is the shouts around 9-9:30 of "goodnights," "I love yous," and "see you in the mornings."
- Fear is normal: For most of my senior year I thought my friends had it all figured out and the fact I was so scared and nervous made me less of a person. But, let me also add that you should talk to those closest to you, when I talked to my friends they told me how they were feeling the exact same way. The world is a scary place sometimes, but remember you're never alone, no matter how alone you feel.
- Eat Ice-Cream on random drives with your best friend: You never want to think about the day you have to say goodbye to your best friend, but memories like that will lighten the burden a lot. It's on those nights that you laugh so hard your stomach hurts, you feel like that's where you are suppose to be, and you find yourself in a moment not longing for time to pass.
- Senior year really does go by in a flash: It honestly does feel like the senior class ate Sunrise Breakfast on the first day of school yesterday, it feels like yesterday we were wishing for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break. Then without you really paying attention graduation is in a week and you are a ball of emotions.
- Memories: Make them, please. Have game nights with people you never really talked to but realized the friends you could have had all along. Have Bachelor and Bachelorette Mondays with friends where you make fun of the crazy ones.
- Don't panic if you don't know exactly how you want to impact the world: I never had a college my heart was set on going to until my senior year, that college didn't end up being where I needed to be in my next season, and that was okay. Which brings me to my next point...
- Change will happen, accept it with open arms: This is something I am still having to practice, things have to change for growth to take place. It will always work its way out how it should be.
I waited to upload this until I had actually walked crossed that stage and accepted my diploma. I have now been graduated for a total of 4 days. All of which have felt pretty much normal. There was no big firework show, no grand exit, and no sudden realization that it's over. I think that won't come until I'm sitting in my dorm that first night alone.
I will be completely honest, that's my goal, show both the highlights and lowlights of growing up. I spent the three days leading up to graduation crying. I cried over the smallest things, my emotions were literally so high. You never truly realize when a last moment has taken place until it's over.
It may sound weird but I am so grateful for the pain of goodbyes. The fact I have so many relationships that makes such a strong pain in my chest at the idea of saying goodbye shows just how blessed I am.
No one's life is perfect and mine is far from it but what matters is how you look at it. I have so many new adventures on the horizon that I cannot wait to experience and share!
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